What Fresh Hell

Fresh Take: Joe "Mr D" Dumbrowski

Joe "Mr. D" Dombrowski is a professional comedian. He also teaches kindergarten.

In other words: he knows how to work a tough crowd.

You probably know Joe from his viral YouTube videos, his many appearances on Ellen, or his Social Studies podcast.

In this hilarious and insightful interview, Joe tells us how this crazy school year has gone from a teacher's point of view, what skills our kids might need to relearn as they reenter a classroom, and why kindergarteners are the very best.

Follow Joe on all the socials at @mrdtimesthree, and sign up to find out about all his upcoming tour dates at mrdtimesthree.com.

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About the What Fresh Hell Podcast

"What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood" regularly tops the Parenting and Kids and Family charts on Apple Podcasts, with over 150 episodes and two million lifetime downloads. In each episode Margaret and Amy, each moms of three, discuss a parenting topic from their usually-completely opposite perspectives.

Amy Wilson is an author, sitcom actor, and sketch comedian.
Margaret Ables is a comedian, screenwriter, and producer.