Aug. 9, 2023

BEST OF: Ditching What Doesn't Matter (with the Lazy Genius)

Whether we’re stressed perfectionists or hot messes, our homes and relationships get happier when we clarify what goes in what pile FOR US. Guest Kendra Adachi, author of THE LAZY GENIUS WAY, talks about making systems that work for us and only us.

Are people with clean houses doing a bit? Are people with messy ones somehow less worthy? Kendra Adachi, author of THE LAZY GENIUS WAY tells us how to make a just-good-enough system that works for exactly us - and stop caring about everything else.

Kendra Adachi also hosts "The Lazy Genius" podcast and is the mother of three young kids.

Kendra, Margaret, and Amy discuss:

  • How to implement systems that are practical rather than Pinterest-worthy
  • Why we should stop applauding chaos as the only indicator of vulnerability
  • The power of putting everything in its place

Here's where you can find Kendra:

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